100% renewable energy helping towards the Council’s carbon reduction goals
The Forest of Dean District Council is making fast progress on its initial actions set to tackle the climate emergency and become carbon neutral by 2030.
Over recent years the council has taken many measures to reduce the energy consumption of its offices, resulting in a significant decrease in carbon emissions from its electricity portfolio. In 2018/19 electricity from the council’s buildings totalled 384,203 KWH - this is a 45% reduction versus 2013/14, equating to 89,001 kg CO2e, which is 8% of total council emissions.
In June 2019 the council contacted West Mercia Energy, its energy management company, to request a ‘green’ electricity supply. Subsequently from 1st August 2019 the council offices’ needs are now being met by 100% renewable energy, specifically, hydro, wave, solar and wind.
Cllr Chris McFarling, Joint Deputy Leader of the Council with responsibility for Climate Emergency says: “This is a clear action resulting from the climate change declaration. We are now progressing other steps such as assessing the opportunities for renewable energy installations on council owned sites, with the aim to further de-carbonise council owned properties. This follows the inclusion of solar photo-voltaic panels on the Foxglove Gardens development in Coleford”.
“By making this relatively easy and inexpensive change to its electricity supply, the Council is showing how we can responsibly reduce our carbon footprint. Imagine if all other authorities followed our lead; what an encouraging message this would send out to all those wishing to invest in renewable energy facilities”
Progress has also been made with regards to community engagement. Last week the council launched a climate change web page on its website and is seeking input from members of the public. Have your say on what you would like to see on the climate change web page and help us develop some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about climate change and the council’s climate emergency declaration by completing the “have your say about climate change page” survey.
The council remains keen to work collaboratively with the community, Town and Parish Councils and other partners to tackle the climate emergency and will continue to keep everyone informed about its progress.