Are you a tenant or landlord struggling with damp and mould? Let us help.
Tenants living in properties that are experiencing problems with damp and mould are being urged to contact the Forest of Dean District Council Environmental Health Team as part of a new Healthy Homes project.
Leader of Forest of Dean District Council and Cabinet Member for Built Environment, Cllr Adrian Birch said:
“It is hugely important that people feel safe and well within their home. We know that damp and mould can have an enormous impact on the wellbeing of people, and we want to ensure there are options available if anyone is struggling to remove damp and mould from their property.
“As part of the Healthy Homes project, we can provide advice and ensure the correct action is taken to help rid these types of problems from the property. This advice is not limited to tenants, and we welcome landlords contacting us who are struggling with this type of issue at a property.
“For those looking for more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Environmental Health Team who will be happy to assist.”
Damp, condensation and mould are common household issues. They can have a significant negative impact on a person's wellbeing and how they feel about their home. It is important to know what causes the problems, find the root cause and take steps to prevent this from happening.
Tenants of private rented properties should contact their landlord in the first instance and the landlord should then investigate the matter and complete any identified works to remedy the problem.
Should either the landlord, or the tenant require further assistance to help remedy the problem, they can contact the Councils Environmental Health Team by email [email protected] or by phone 01594 812258 where the matter can be investigated by an officer who will offer advice and if necessary, take appropriate action.
Social housing tenants should follow their housing providers complaints procedure if the matter is not resolved.