Cabinet agrees new role to support market town regeneration
Forest of Dean District Council Cabinet Members have agreed to recruit a new dedicated Market Towns Officer to work with partners to improve the vibrancy and vitality of the four market towns in the Forest of Dean.
Cabinet Member for Economy, Cllr Johnathan Lane said:
“In recent years, we’ve been reminded how important it is for our residents and visitors to have access to healthy, vibrant town centres.
“We know our town centres are resilient and can adapt to serve the needs of the people who use them. However, we also know our town centres are still recovering from the effects of the pandemic and other global issues, as well as the rise of internet shopping.
“From visiting and speaking with residents and local businesses, it is clear that we all want to see our high streets thriving and as a council, we want to help support the good work that is already being done.
“To do that, it is recognised that we need a dedicated officer to help remedy the issues affecting our market towns and I look forward to seeing the fantastic results that the person employed in the role helps to achieve.”
The Market Towns Officer at Forest of Dean District Council will assist with the delivery of the Forest of Dean District Council Plan and will support all three of the priorities listed: Thriving Communities, Decarbonisation and Nature Recovery and Sustainable Economy.
The new position will sit within the Councils existing Regeneration team, and by having a full-time dedicated Market Towns Officer, the Council can provide strategic direction for town centre regeneration to the 4 town councils, who are largely run by volunteers and help co-ordinate the great work being created by grassroots organisations.
Mayor of Coleford, Nick Penny said:
“We are delighted to be working in partnership with FoDDC and the other Forest towns and are excited for the opportunities for growth and regeneration that this will bring”.
The new role will also see the successful applicant working with partners to deliver the objectives and projects outlined in the Market Towns Regeneration Framework (MTRF) - Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) or other town centre Masterplans and policies. This will include identifying opportunities for funding to help deliver on objectives to improve the 4 market towns, and work with teams across Forest of Dean District Council to attract external funding to support this.
Mayor of Lydney, Cllr Tasha Saunders said:
“It has been a really good project, working together with the other towns to identify the needs of our community and where each town needs help and direction. We are looking forward to working with a Market Towns Officer.”
It has been agreed that the post will be funded between Forest of Dean District Council and Cinderford, Coleford, Lydney and Newent Town Council.
Chair of Newent Town Council, Sara Hulbert said:
“Newent Town council are excited to support the market town regeneration officer initiative, and the opportunities it could bring to your town, parish and wider community.”
Forest of Dean District Council will fund 50% of the position, and the remaining 50% will be split equally between the four town councils. Given the jointly funded nature of the post, the Town Councils will be invited to assist with the recruitment process and thereafter join the monthly performance management meetings.
Chair of Cinderford Town Council, Cllr Graham Morgan said:
“As Chair of Cinderford Town Council I welcome the Forest of Dean District Councils project to employ a Market Towns Officer, this is an absolute must for Towns like Cinderford that are facing the onslaught of Online shopping.
“We look forward to working with the New Officer in any way we can to help Improve the viability of Cinderford.”
Full application details for the position will be posted on the Forest of Dean District Council website and social media channels later this month.
Contact Information
Forest of Dean Communications Team
Notes to editors
Details of the Market Towns Regeneration Framework can be found here: https://www.fdean.gov.uk/media/rn4hci4d/forest-of-dean-market-town-regeneration-report-may-2024.pdf
Further information of the 4 market towns in the Forest of Dean can be found here: https://www.fdean.gov.uk/planning-and-building/regeneration/town-centre-monitoring/
The Forest of Dean District Council Plan and details of the Councils priorities can be found at the following link: https://www.fdean.gov.uk/media/5cvhr4dn/forest-of-dean-district-council-plan-2024-to-2028-v2.pdf