FODDC Our Plan - green graphic

Cabinet agrees to proceed with Our Plan strategy

At a meeting for Cabinet Members on 16 May 2023, Councillors have agreed to proceed with the new local plan strategy for the Forest of Dean - Our Plan. The decision means that it will now be heard at the Full Council meeting to be held on 30 May 2024 and if approved, will then go out to consultation with the public. 

Cabinet Member for Local Plan, Cllr Sid Phelps said:

“We need to have a local plan in place to meet housing targets set by Government. We can’t stop houses being built but Our Plan is our chance as a Forest of Dean community to make sure any new development is right for the Forest of Dean, its environment and its residents. 

“Our Local Plan sets out how we plan to reduce carbon emissions and tackle climate change in the Forest and beyond. It will help our towns and communities to thrive and provide the right housing in the right places for those who need it most. It also will set out what infrastructure we need to support new homes along with boosting employment and our economy. 

“We have listened to what residents told us in our last consultation and have changed our plan where we can. I look forward to this plan going to public consultation shortly to hear the views of residents and businesses and continue this collaborative approach to planning for the future of our district.” 

To meet the needs of the district over the plan period, the new local plan strategy will look to ensure that its policies and proposals address climate change and protect rural areas and landscapes, provide environmental protection, support biodiversity and nature recovery and provide new green Infrastructure.  

Our Plan details the importance of sustainable design across the Forest of Dean District, whilst addressing local housing needs. This includes affordable housing options in locations which benefit and support local services.  

As required by Government targets, Our Plan needs to include approximately 6200 new dwellings for the whole district by 2041, significantly less than the original figure of 7400. Rather than a single settlement, Our Plan sets out a plan for holistic development in several towns and villages across the Forest of Dean, helping communities to grow and support residents to take advantage of existing active travel networks and reinforce sustainable transport and travel opportunities. It also includes improvements to infrastructure needed to support the new homes. 

The plan provides for a range of employment and educational opportunities and ensures the policies and proposals support and encourage a strong and sustainable local economy. The plan also sets out how the Council will regenerate old sites and bring them back to life, not only those at Five Acres and in Cinderford via the Levelling Up Fund but regenerating other sites and buildings across the Forest so that they can benefit the local community. 

Full details for the Cabinet Meeting and the document seen by members can be found here:  

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