Call for potential housing and employment sites
Forest of Dean District Council invites interested parties, landowners, and developers to suggest sites that they consider suitable for future housing and employment as it carries out its annual Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA).
Leader of Forest of Dean District Council, Cllr Adrian Birch said:
“If you have land that you believe could potentially be developed in the future, either for housing or business purposes, this is your chance to submit it for consideration as part of the Land Availability Assessment.
“By submitting your site for potential development, it does not necessarily mean that development will happen, but it is an important first step that puts it in front of the right people for consideration.
“Following this process gives us a real opportunity to think differently to achieve the sustainable development we need in the district and working together with landowners, we can aim for development that benefits and complements Forest of Dean communities and businesses.”
The assessment is required by the UK Government and will help determine potential areas of land for all types of housing (including travellers and travelling show people) and employment across the Forest of Dean District.
All the sites suggested are assessed to see whether they could be developed if supported by planning policy, but it is important to note, the assessment does not determine whether a site will be allocated for housing development, or for employment in the future.
People looking to put forward any potential housing or employment sites can do so by completing either the online form, via email, or by post.
Forms are required to be submitted by 31 March 2025 to ensure the site will be considered as part of the 2025 review.
Those that have previously submitted a site(s) will not be required to re-submit, unless they wish to make changes to the site or remove it from the study, as past sites will be carried forward.
All sites submitted will be retained as part of a long-term database of potential housing and employment sites used to inform the Local Plan. All submissions to the council will be available to the public.
Those who wish to put forward a site(s) to be considered in this year’s review can proceed to download a form from the council’s website: https://www.fdean.gov.uk/shlaa
Contact Information
Forest of Dean Communications Team
Notes to editors
Submissions can be put forward via the online form below, or by email or post:
- online form https://arcg.is/4fm8v
- or
- downloadable form https://www.fdean.gov.uk/shlaa and return by email: [email protected]
- or by post: Local Plans, Forest of Dean District Council, Council Offices, High Street, Coleford, GL16 8HG