Council agrees Council Tax support scheme for residents
Following consultation with residents, Forest of Dean District Council has agreed to increase the band widths for Council Tax Support eligibility, in line with inflation, following the Chancellor's 2024 Autumn Budget Statement and reintroduce a Second Adult Rebate discount for next year's Council Tax Support scheme.
Cabinet Member for Finance, Cllr Andy Moore said:
“As a council, we want to ensure that our residents have access to the support they need, should they need it.
“We are required each year to review our Council Tax Support scheme, and consult with residents on any proposed amendments, before going back to Full Council so that a decision can be made.
“Following consultation with residents, Councillors have agreed to retain the current Council Tax Support scheme but raise the band widths so that it is in line with inflation. We will also reintroduce a Second Adult Rebate discount under the Pension Age Council Tax Support scheme.
“The new Council Tax support scheme for the next financial year will ensure that those residents who are entitled to support in paying for their Council Tax can receive it and I want to thank all residents who took part in the consultation.
“We understand that potential rises in Council Tax may be difficult for some residents and would ask that if you, or anyone you know, is struggling to pay their Council Tax, please reach out to the Council. There are a range of ways in which we can assist and details can be found on the Council’s dedicated Council Tax Support webpage, or by calling 01594 810000.”
Council Tax Support provides low-income households, both in and out of work, with help to pay their Council Tax. Any owner, occupier or tenant aged 18 or over who is legally responsible for the Council Tax can make a claim for Council Tax Support.
As part of the consultation, the Council proposed to change the Council Tax Support Scheme to one of two options. Following feedback from residents, Councillors have agreed to move forward with retaining the current scheme and reintroducing a Second Adult Rebate discount in line with the existing Second Adult Rebate rules under the Pension Age Council Tax Support scheme. This will also see the bands amended in line with inflation.
The Council Tax Exceptional Support fund to support residents who can show evidence that they are experiencing financial hardship will now be retained within this new support scheme.
If anyone is worried about paying for their Council Tax, or struggling to pay, please contact Forest of Dean District Council on 01594 810000 where help can be provided, or visit the Council’s dedicated support pages: https://www.fdean.gov.uk/council-tax-and-benefits/council-tax-support/