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Council launches fund to support food projects responding to the cost of living crisis

Forest of Dean District Council has launched the Community Food Support Grant; a one-off £10,000 fund available during the winter of 2022/23. It aims to help community groups initiate projects that tackle the cost of living crisis through a range of food initiatives including lunch and supper clubs.

Cabinet member for Communities, Cllr Paul Hiett said:

“Here in the Forest, we have an incredibly close-knit community. So many groups up and down the district work hard to support their fellow Foresters. As a council, we are committed to supporting the wellbeing of this amazing work and the community we serve.

“The Community Food Support Grant is a great opportunity for local community and volunteer groups. It will help them create new food club initiatives which have become a lifeline for so many. 

“These clubs are brilliant spaces that help to counter the loneliness and isolation that many people can feel, especially in the winter months. All the while providing access to warm spaces and food, and embodying a real sense of community. We encourage any group wanting to run one of these clubs to apply for this grant.

“I’d like to thank all the officers and staff involved in setting this up, and I look forward to seeing the positive impact it has on our community.” 

The grant of up to £500 is open to any local community and volunteer groups. Just some examples of schemes that may qualify to receive it include; lunch clubs, warm spaces, talking cafés or activities aimed at connecting communities to these spaces. Individuals and small un-constituted groups are also welcome to share their ideas. 

The main priority of this fund is to help with the creation of warm spaces, where anyone is able to come and enjoy some warmth, food and company. Therefore, part of the criteria is that any successful group will have to sign up to the ‘Warm Welcome’ website, so people in their community will be able to easily find their warm space.

By investing in these spaces, the grant aims to improve the resilience of the community as a whole by promoting equality and diversity. Showcasing the willingness of Forest of Dean residents to care for each other, and share resources, no matter their background during this difficult period. 

Applications will be considered on a first come, first served basis and the fund will be available until it’s depleted. 

Further information on the Community Lunch Club Grant, including funding priorities, criteria and application guidance can be found here:

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