Forest of Dean District Council agree extension to Economic Growth Joint Committee
Forest of Dean District Council has underlined their commitment to working collaboratively with partners from across the County to support Gloucestershire’s economic development through the Economic Growth Joint Committee, by agreeing to extend the working arrangement until September 2023.
Cabinet Member for Economy at Forest of Dean District Council, Cllr Bernie O’Neill, said:
“The Economic Growth Joint Committee and the revised arrangements being developed will be hugely important for future economic development in the Forest of Dean.
“The Council is committed to working with countywide partners for the benefit of business and with our partners we recognise the need for change. New governance arrangements are being developed and while these are finalised a short extension to the current arrangements is needed to allow us to continue our joint work.
“Working together with neighbouring council’s, we’ll be able to help make changes for the security of the local economy, enable new business opportunities to develop and to help strengthen those businesses who play a key role in high streets and communities across the Forest of Dean.”
The Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee is a statutory joint committee made up of the seven Gloucestershire Councils. The main purpose of the committee is to ensure the seven Councils coordinate their efforts in support of the economy, helping to promote Gloucestershire as a great place for businesses, to nurture the next generation of highly skilled individuals from the local area, and to help connect businesses so that they can grow and meet the future needs of the people of Gloucestershire.
The decision was taken at Cabinet to extend the Forest of Dean’s involvement in the Economic Growth Joint Committee until September 2023, at which point future arrangements will have been finalised and a decision made as to how to proceed.