Freedom Leisure to fund young people getting active in the Forest of Dean
Freedom Leisure’s Active Communities Service in the Forest of Dean are introducing a new scheme across the District; encouraging and supporting more young people aged between 12-19 years to access their leisure facilities. Freedom Leisure operates the four centres across the Forest of Dean on behalf of Forest of Dean District Council.
The programme offers a pathway for youth who may not ordinarily have the finances to access leisure facilities and to have support getting active for up to 6 months. They will be able to use the fitness suite or pool at one of the four centres; with the opportunity of a tailored exercise programme and 1-1 staff support.
Support will vary from each individual depending on what the young person requires.
In most cases, a staff member will be there to welcome at the first session, provide a tour of the facilities and find out their activity interests or reasons for tacking up the scheme. A tailored exercise programme can be created to follow each visit helping achieve any personal goals over the 24 weeks.
Steph Moreland, Freedom Leisure Active Communities Manager says: “We are excited to trial a programme like this for young people and know that cost can be a real barrier to anyone getting active. We also feel this pathway could have a positive impact on our local young people following the Coronavirus pandemic where physical and mental health has been impacted.”
They are working with key partners such as Active Gloucestershire who have provided the funding and the Forest of Dean District Council Social prescribing team, who will be a key referrer. The funding pathway works on a contribution scale. Month one is 100% funded by Freedom Leisure, month two 75% freedom and the participant 25%, months three and four are 50/50, month five 25/75% and month 6 the full payment is with the individuals but still fully supported. Other key youth service partners include; Schools, Families First, FOD Youth Association, PCSO’s, Prospects and Rooftop housing for referrals.
If you are already receiving support from one of the partner services just ask them about the referral pathway or if you would like to become a referrer contact Freedom Leisure’s Active Communities team.
For any enquires email [email protected] or call 07710708870.
Website: www.freedom-leisure.co.uk/centres/active-communities/forest-of-dean/news/