Support for those experiencing domestic abuse with dementia continues in the Forest of Dean
Following collaboration between the Forest of Dean Dementia Action Alliance and the Domestic & Sexual Violence forum, resources to help people with dementia experiencing domestic abuse and also for people experiencing domestic abuse by those with dementia are being relaunched in the Forest of Dean.
As part of the Community Safety Partnership, which the District Council are core members of, an informative leaflet, poster and video have been created to help people who may be victims of domestic abuse with dementia.
Member Champion for Domestic Abuse, Cllr Di Martin, said,
“Domestic abuse in the context of dementia is a difficult subject to talk about, but it does happen and it is so important for people to know that there is help out there for them and for their loved ones.
“We initially created these resources in 2020, since then a lot has changed and we know that for a lot of people with vulnerabilities these issues may have been exacerbated by the impacts of lockdown and social isolation. Now there is also the added financial pressures being brought on by the cost of living crisis which could make carers of people with dementia even more vulnerable.
“This makes it even more important for us to continue sharing and promoting these resources, letting people know that there are services out there that can help them.
“If you want to speak to someone, don't be afraid to reach out. Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service, Managing Memory Together and Gloucestershire Carers Hub are just some of the organisations that will be there for you when you need them.
“If you know someone else who may benefit from speaking to these services or finding out this information, please share it with them, we want to help as many people as possible.”
To view the supporting video which was produced with the support of the Gloucestershire Dementia Education Team, visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY7aikRo1ww
To find out more about support for dementia and domestic abuse in the district, visit: https://www.fdean.gov.uk/communities-health-and-leisure/community-health-and-wellbeing/dementia-awareness
As well as contact information for local support services, the resources help provide answers for people who may have questions about their situation. It also includes some advice for spotting signs of abuse and who to contact if someone believes they are victims of abuse or knows somebody who they suspect is a victim.