The Community are invited to submit their thoughts on Cinderford Northern Quarter
The Community and organisations have the opportunity to put forward their ideas on the Cinderford Northern Quarter.
The purpose of the inquiry is to gather evidence, formulate a report and make recommendations to the Council’s Cabinet on a way forward for the Cinderford Northern Quarter in conjunction with the Council’s Local Plan.
Cllr Alan Preest, Chairman of the Strategic Overview and Scrutiny Committee said, “We welcome the views of everyone in the Forest of Dean, who can put forward their ideas by emailing the council’s democratic services team or by writing to the Democratic Services, Forest of Dean District Council, the full address for which can be reached from our website https://www.fdean.gov.uk/
“We will take all these views into account when making our final recommendations in a report to be presented to the Cabinet.”
The Strategic Overview and Scrutiny Committee will hold evidence gathering days as part of its inquiry into the Cinderford Northern Quarter on Tuesday, 2 November 10.am–4pm, Friday 5 November 10am–4pm, Wednesday, 10 November 6pm–9pm, Thursday, 11 November 10am–4pm in the Council Chamber, High Street, Coleford, Glos. GL16 8HG.
During the day the committee will look at technical information as well as taking the views of interested parties into account.
The Committee will be asking interested parties to reply to the questions below to help them with their deliberations.
Questions from Committee to interested parties:
- What interest have you in the Cinderford Northern Quarter?
- What involvement have you in the Cinderford Northern Quarter?
- Your thoughts on the Cinderford Northern Quarter now?
- What do you envisage for the Cinderford Northern Quarter in the future?
- Do you have any relevant professional qualifications or experience relevant to the site?
At the evidence gathering days the public, local groups and organisations will have twenty minutes followed by questions from the Committee. Anyone wishing to speak should contact the council’s democratic services team on 01594 812625 or email [email protected] as soon as possible, but at the latest by noon on Monday, 18 October 2021.
If for any reason you are unable to attend on the dates, the committee would still be interested to hear from you and would welcome any submissions in writing. Such submissions should be received by the Council no later than 5pm on Monday 18 October 2021.
Written submissions should be emailed to [email protected] or sent by post to Democratic Services, Council Offices, High Street, Coleford, Glos GL16 8HG.
The committee will consider written submissions from individuals in addition to submissions presented at the evidence gathering days. A final report with recommendations will be presented to the Cabinet early in 2022.
Members of the public who wish to observe the sessions can do this via the live meetings link on the Council’s website, or register with [email protected] by Monday, 18 October 2021 (although numbers will be limited and allocated on a first come first serve basis).