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Forest of Dean District Council agree extension to Economic Growth Joint Committee

Forest of Dean District Council has underlined their commitment to working collaboratively with partners from across the County to support Gloucestershire’s economic development through the Economic Growth Joint Committee, by agreeing to extend the working arrangement until September 2023.

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Forest of Dean District Council to continue redevelopment of Cinderford Northern Quarter

Forest of Dean District Council is moving forward with the redevelopment of Cinderford Northern Quarter, following the inquiry conducted into the site by the Strategic Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Huntley School GBSC

Huntley pupils tidy up for national Spring Clean campaign

Pupils from Huntley C of E Primary School braved the wintery temperatures last week to lend their voice to this year’s Great Big School Clean campaign which kicks off later this week (17 March).

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Are you ready for the elections? Voters encouraged to make sure they are registered and have photo ID ahead of May local elections

Voters across the Forest of Dean District are being encouraged to make sure they are registered, have applied for postal voting and applied for identification if needed ahead of the deadlines. So they can vote in the local elections on Thursday 4 May.

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Individual prosecuted for fly-tipping offences

Forest of Dean District Council has successfully prosecuted an individual for failing to ensure waste generated from demolition of a garage at a property in Cheltenham was properly disposed of, and for failing to provide waste transfer documentation when requested to do so by the Council. On Tuesday, 7th March 2023, Mr Stephen Maloney of Badgeworth, Cheltenham, pleaded guilty to two offences under section 34 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 at Cheltenham Magistrates Court. 

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Forest of Dean District Council (FODDC) has prosecuted an individual for offences under the Animal Welfare Act 2006.

A Forest of Dean resident, Jeremy Awdry was sentenced in February 2021 for offences in relation to animal welfare and the breeding of dogs without a licence. Mr Awdry pleaded guilty to the offences at a court hearing and received a suspended sentence and an indefinite ban on keeping dogs.

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Forest of Dean District Council honours youngsters in Cinderford with citizenship award

Forest of Dean District Council has honoured three boys in Cinderford with a special Outstanding Citizenship Award for their work during the winter months, clearing snow for residents in the area and helping to keep their local community moving during the difficult time.

Public Toilets Sign

Public toilets in the Forest’s largest towns undergo review

Some of the public toilet facilities across the district’s town centres are being reviewed using funding secured as part of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). The review aims to increase the accessibility and safety of these facilities whilst also reducing antisocial behaviour and vandalism. 


Graham Wildin loses appeal against prison sentence

Today (Wednesday 1 March 2023), The Court of Appeal heard Graham Wildin’s appeal against the decision made by HHJ Jarman KC on 12 August 2022 to commit him to prison. The judge had activated a suspended sentence imposed in 2021, because Mr Wildin had failed to comply with most requirements of the suspended sentence imposed on him in 2021 when he was found to have breached the injunction against him.

Cllr Hiett and Street Wardens at Lydney Harbour

Council invests in new litter pickers made from recycled NHS face masks and ocean plastic

School children undertaking a litter pick aided by the Forest of Dean District Council’s street warden team, could soon find themselves collecting rubbish with kit made from recycled NHS face masks and marine plastics.


Couple receive £4700 fine for failing to comply with planning enforcement

Forest of Dean District Council (FODDC) has prosecuted a Forest of Dean couple for offences relating to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


An explanation of exempt business at Council

There have been some questions recently about why the Council sometimes holds meetings without the public in attendance. We would like to explain the reasons for this so we can be as transparent as possible.