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Keeping it real – Christmas trees can be recycled from the kerbside
Forest of Dean residents wanting to recycle their real Christmas trees will be able to leave them out on their normal green waste collection day between Thursday 7 January to Wednesday 20 January 2021.

Council Leader comments on Tier 2 announcement
“The more we can minimise contact with others, even though that is going to be really hard, especially at this time of year – the sooner we will nail this wretched virus and get back everything to normal in 2021.”

Council to support local charities to ensure ‘everyone can have a proper Christmas’
Forest of Dean District Council has awarded £13,000 to local charities to help them support families in the district to have a festive meal this Christmas and to provide presents and practical support.

Forest leads on countywide resource to support those suffering in silence
A resource to highlight and help in cases of people facing issues at home or with family while living with Dementia has been developed in the Forest via the Forest of Dean Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Group in partnership with the Forest of Dean Dementia Action Alliance.

‘Don’t delay’ in applying for discretionary business grant
More than £640,000 has been awarded to local businesses in the Forest of Dean since a mandatory business support grant went live two weeks ago.

‘Council Calling’ campaign successfully makes contact with thousands of ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ residents
Forest of Dean District Council has successfully completed the task of checking-in with thousands of vulnerable residents to see how they are coping during the lockdown.

Discretionary support grant for locked-down businesses goes live from Monday
A new scheme to support local businesses affected by the national lockdown (5 Nov-2 Dec) is set to go live from 9am on Monday.

Council focus on ‘getting money out the door’ to support local businesses
Hundreds of local businesses in the Forest of Dean that are affected by the national lockdown have applied for financial help from a government grant scheme run by the council. Forest of Dean District Council is responsible for the delivery of the grant, assessing applications from eligible businesses.

Dementia Action Alliance helps to keep pets with their families
Over recent years the Street Warden Team at the Forest of Dean District Council have encountered a number of cases where pet owners are living with dementia in our community. Although the primary focus of this team is to maintain the welfare of animals, there is also recognition of the importance of pets as a source of great companionship and as a link for people to their local community.

Lockdown Support Grant for local businesses goes live
Local businesses in Forest of Dean that are affected by the national lockdown will be able to apply for a Support Grant from this Monday (16 Nov).

‘Council calling’ thousands of vulnerable people to ensure their safety
Forest of Dean District Council are this week starting the process of contacting people deemed to be ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ (CEV) across the district to make sure their basic needs are being met during lockdown.

Council secures support from Local Energy Hub for electric vehicle charging infrastructure feasibility study
The Forest of Dean District Council has secured advisory services and capacity support from the South West (SW) Energy Hub to the value of £5000. Support from the SW Energy Hub and consultancy Element Energy will kick off the assessment of feasibility for electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the Council owned car parks throughout the District.