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Contacting vulnerable residents (2)

‘Council Calling’ campaign successfully makes contact with thousands of ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ residents

Forest of Dean District Council has successfully completed the task of checking-in with thousands of vulnerable residents to see how they are coping during the lockdown.

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Discretionary support grant for locked-down businesses goes live from Monday

A new scheme to support local businesses affected by the national lockdown (5 Nov-2 Dec) is set to go live from 9am on Monday.

Publica Group

Council focus on ‘getting money out the door’ to support local businesses

Hundreds of local businesses in the Forest of Dean that are affected by the national lockdown have applied for financial help from a government grant scheme run by the council.  Forest of Dean District Council is responsible for the delivery of the grant, assessing applications from eligible businesses.

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Dementia Action Alliance helps to keep pets with their families

Over recent years the Street Warden Team at the Forest of Dean District Council have encountered a number of cases where pet owners are living with dementia in our community.  Although the primary focus of this team is to maintain the welfare of animals, there is also recognition of the importance of pets as a source of great companionship and as a link for people to their local community. 

Publica Group

Lockdown Support Grant for local businesses goes live

Local businesses in  Forest of Dean that are affected by the national lockdown will be able to apply for a Support Grant from this Monday (16 Nov).

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‘Council calling’ thousands of vulnerable people to ensure their safety

Forest of Dean District Council are this week starting the process of contacting people deemed to be ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ (CEV) across the district to make sure their basic needs are being met during lockdown.

Publica Group

Council secures support from Local Energy Hub for electric vehicle charging infrastructure feasibility study

The Forest of Dean District Council has secured  advisory services and capacity support from the South West (SW) Energy Hub to the value of £5000. Support from the SW Energy Hub and consultancy Element Energy will kick off the assessment of feasibility for electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the Council owned car parks throughout the District.


New drive to ensure ‘Winter Wellness’ in the Forest

‘Winter Wellness’ is the theme of a winter campaign by Forest of Dean District Council and partners to help signpost people to support, services and activities to promote wellbeing and positive mental health over the winter period.

Publica Group

Park homes and rural households in Gloucestershire and South Gloucestershire to receive £1m winter energy efficiency boost

150 of the region’s coldest properties will receive improved insulation and heating through the government Green Home Grant scheme, funded by the Secretary of State.

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Freedom Leisure to fund young people getting active in the Forest of Dean

Freedom Leisure’s Active Communities Service in the Forest of Dean are introducing a new scheme across the District; encouraging and supporting more young people aged between 12-19 years to access their leisure facilities. Freedom Leisure operates the four centres across the Forest of Dean on behalf of Forest of Dean District Council.

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Dear Prime Minister

Leader of Forest of Dean Council, Councillor Tim Gwilliam, has today written to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, to point out that the Forest is ‘betwixt and between UK-wide and Welsh-only decision-making’ and while impacted by the ‘fire break’ in Wales, businesses here are not able to access the support that Welsh businesses are able to.

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Forest of Dean District Council seeks residents views on Local Plan preferred option

Forest of Dean District Council is seeking residents' views on its latest proposals for the District’s new Local Plan, which will outline future development in the district up to 2041.